Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Students can play a special role say Young Environmentalists.World WATER DAY

                                                    World WATER DAY AROUND
Ecosystems lie at the heart of the global water cycle.World Water Day is marked on 22 March every year. It’s a day to celebrate water. It’s a day to make a difference for the members of the global population who suffer from water related issues. It’s a day to prepare for how we manage water in the future.
  Hear what the Young Environmentalists Programme trust say- Students can play a special role.
Water Saving Tips by Young Environmentalists Programme trust for students to incorporate in their EVS projects and at home---In Schools make‘WATER MONITORS’ water captains to check wastage of water..just like you install house and school captains…
“”Students love to be captains and leaders so why not make them WATER MONITORS OR WATER CAPTAINS in schools and coleges..to help practice what they learn about water conservation….If EVS or environmental science is still not reinstated in schools and has been fused into the science and civics books,it is wise to make a lasting memory in the young minds through interactive education.Each water monitor will check taps in the school buildings during his 15 minutes snack break and keep a log of leaking taps,he/she can also supervise students throwing water or leaving taps half closed etc besides checking on leaking taps,he can have a group to be part of his Water monitoring system in school….  
Help save not only the environment but also your pocket by conserving water,there are parts of the world where people still have water fights and water lines extending till thy kingdom come……so here are some tips ….
One third of water used at home is mostly for flushing and toilets…..and then bathing etc…so use water wisely….
Purchase a water efficient toilet :Dual flush toilets typically use 4-6 litres of water opposed to the old style flush systems which use a massive 13 litres per flush.
Detect leaks and repair them instantly. Try not to throw thrash, cotton ball or make up tissues, simply throwing them in a bin will cut down on the amount of water wasted with every flush.
Personal Washing
By being water efficient in the shower doesn’t only save you money on your water bill, it will have a positive effect on your energy bill too because of the heating of water associated with showering.These days low flow showers are available. And ofcourse you can cut down your time on your shower time.
Change behavior pattern while opening a tap, whether you fully twist the tap to how long you leave it on for can all have an impact.
Adding a tap aerator can help to reduce the flow, similar to the shower.
Clothes washing-Clothes washing now accounts for 15% of water we use in our homes,When buying a washing machine, have a look at the fine print details. the best models will typically use less than 7.5 litres per kg. Remember to read the manual to find out which cycles are the most water efficient
Drinking water
    • This is one area you should NOT cut back your useage,
    • Plants love to have a drink of any leftover water in glasses
    • Try to fill the glass or cooking ware with only what is needed, this will save water and energy.
    • Using the lid on saucepans reduces the amount of water lost, so you don’t have to put as much in.

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