Young Environmentalists NGO and Mobile creche kids to promote Eco Diwali.
As noise pollution becomes a global epidemic, the members of the Young Environmentalists NGO along with Balwadi Mobile creche kids and Green Team Meluha ecotel in Powai have taken dramatic measures to establish a peaceful and colourful Diwali on October 18th Saturday 5pm at the Hiranandani Rodas hotel street center.The Young Environmentalists Programme trust has always been a pioneer in facilitating the coomunity and corporates around to make adaptive green lifestyle changes in their daily lifestyle habits.This one was surely one of them. Over 200 citizens joined the environment awareness event.
Says Dr.Kala of Powai Mumbai, “ Art always makes an impact. Instead of preaching it is wise to share the message of an eco Diwali via graffiti for shoppers and visitors to help spread the social message. Society is educated by the presence of these images. It really drives the message home. I am proud of the work that Young Environmentalists NGO is doing.It is air and sound pollution that harm the animals, pets and senior citizens as well as young babies , so celebrate with care."
Diwali is the festival of lights but even during such glaring examples of floods and climate change the world over, citizens still pursue harmful acts towards nature. Air pollution is a grave offence where the environmental atmosphere is concerned.
Explains Elsie Gabriel founder of Young Environmentalists Programme trust NGO, “People need to be involved in spreading the message, the youth play a very powerful role. Hence Graffiti writing survives as a creative, playful response to a call to have a pollution free and soundless festival.: By writing the messages and drawings on the wall each individual literally vows never to burst poisonous crackers. Our team is a group which co-ordinates with the community to spread environmental messages.”
Diwali is an important festival which can be celebrated by simply lighting lamps and enjoying time with the less fortunate and family. If every person stops or lowers the number of crackers they burst every year, they will be protected from a number of pollution related problems.
The festival also gifted the underprivileged children from the slums and spread the message of love and light rather than crackers and pollution.
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